Black Farmers Association of South Africa
Land is Power
The Black Farmers Association (BFASA) was formed in 2015. The association was established to benefit Black farmers especially in South Africa where only Whites, Coloureds and indians derive meaningful benefit from Government funding and support programs.
Black African people ownership of land is not equitable. They rely on small scale farming of both crops and mixed range of livestock. BFASA strives to ensure that Black farmers benefit from government subsidies, land reform and acquisition programmes including skills transfer and provision of farming implements to reach a full fledged commercial trading status. The main objective is to mentor black farmers to achieve commercially successful farming which is sustainable and which will contribute to food security in South Africa

Who We Represent
All our members are based in all the provinces of South Africa. Our membership comprises of Black (as defined in the Constitution) subsistence farmers, farmers on small pieces of land, farmers with a small turnover and small holders farmers in the Western Cape , Eastern Cape, Gauteng , Northern Cape, North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Free State and Kwazulu Natal.
These members cut across women, youth, pensioners, people with disabilities and entrepreneurs. If you would like to become a member please download the application form here.
Objectives Of The Project
- To Harness and nuture entrepreneurial flair and develop skills and establish Black commercial farmers in South Africa
- To access land
- To form collobaration with investors with the aim of developing successful black farmers
- To grow the scarce and critical skills within the organisation